Machura at Match Eatery

Hi Friends,

I will be performing at Match Eatery this coming Friday, April 1. I am looking forward to being in that great venue that is part of the Vernon Casino. Later start and finish: 9-12.

See My Baby Tonight

Hi Friends!

Here’s my latest single release. You can find it on most online music sources and on my own channel at Apple Music, YouTubeMusic, Spotify, etc.

It is fun song about the winter cold and snow. It is also about how we do not see the world the way the world is; we see the world the way we are! If we are in love, a cold snowy day can seem magical, wonderful, and happy!

Thanks for listening!

Machura on McLuhan

Here’s new video in this series that reviews how authoritarian regimes are often caught unaware as to how to control new media of communication that enter the world as we travel on further into the electronic and digital age.

The Tower

If you are drawing from the Tarot to divine your future, and you draw this card from the Tarot, you may feel your heart sink and a type of dread descend on you. The Tower represents a complete and irreparable break with something important and significant in your life. It is a destructive force that will be soon upon you–and there is nothing you can do about it. The only way forward is acceptance and moving on from the wreckage.

Whatever it is that is about to end will be good for your spirit in the long term especially if you can get over your own feelings of unfairness, anger, and depression that are likely present in your life right now. Try to keep in mind that it is not your fault for this ending, that the Universe wants what best for your spirit (always) and as Lao Tzu says,”New and wonderful beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”

The Seven of Wands

Wands = Fire/Energy/Health

When you draw the Seven of Wands, you will soon be experiencing trials and tribulations that have the potential to sap your energy and forward progress. So be careful that you do not fall into the traps of indulgence and avoidance that often accompany these times of life difficulty. There are times when you need to stubbornly stand your ground–and this is one of those times. Remember, no conflict, no story. So keep writing your story with you as the smart, active, and successful hero that you are! Lock you sights on your glorious future and bring it on! You got this. #fivecardpentagramtarot #marvmachura #tarotcards


Hi friends! I hope your weekend is going great–as mine is: celebrating life on Silverstar Mountian with Brenda Fraser. It is exactly 11 years ago when we went on our first date back in Edmonton, Alberta! Cheers!

“Make the most of each moment.”

Life is good.


The years go by so quickly

Sometimes seemingly stuck or silent

While nothing happens of note or import

But then in a moment our lives change

In the magic and miracle that

Is at the heart of all meaningful experience,

And we remember and celebrate

That turning point that brought us here.

Sliverstar Mountain
Brenda Fraser