Marv Machura has written and published some fictional writing. His interest in the short story form lead him to start the first Story Slam in Vernon. Machura is working on establishing another regular story slam in the Vernon area. But in the meanwhile, he can bring the story slam “game/competition) to private parties and events. Please contact us for more details if you are interested in this fun, engaging activity for your next event.
Marv Machura is currently working on collection of short stories as well as a novel describing the experiences of a young teacher moving to a small rural school to start a band program.

Pop Up Short Stories
“Cougar Attack” Imagine a solitary female cross country skier out for a ski in the early morning winter light, but waiting in the low bushes beside the trail is a young, strong, wild–hungry–cougar.
“Fox Tamer” Told from the first person, a guy goes on a free dating site for the first time after his divorce…things go from bad to worse very quickly with the girl who thinks she has found her knight in shinning armour.
“My Last Semester” Another first-person narration of an English teacher whose idealism crashes into the realism of educational policies and aging “jock” principals. Warning: there will be blood.