Marv Machura enjoys writing non-fiction. He writes about the outdoors/travel/recreation, teaching and learning, and Marshall McLuhan media ecology.
Marv Machura: Non-fiction Pop-Ups
“A Guide to Camp Guys” A favourite column from Machura Camp Talk publications; Camp Guys are –really!–a complex species.
“No More Sex, Beer, and Cigars” Another popular issue with the title slightly inaccurate.

“No Conflict. No Story.” The outdoors should be a challenge for us–in spite of all the gear and vehicles out there that aim to take the challenge out of the experience and make camping, hunting, and fishing easier.
Machura On McLuhan
Machura on McLuhan Access the media channel Machura on McLuhan on this website.
“The Classroom Speaks and Saves Itself” How can the classroom survive in the changing media environment?

“Internet Porn” A view on why we marry our technologies.
Teaching and Learning
“Vignettes of Teaching Disadvantaged Adults in Small Communities” A personal account of teaching adult upgrading classes in small rural communities in Alberta.
Reflections on Student-Centred Teaching. An article recently published in Canadian Teacher Magazine.